Rainbows are not just a symbol of hope when you are in a crisis situation, they are a symbol of the planning you use to get out of the crisis.
The books Karen Holmes has channeled are "messages from God on how to overcome any crisis."
They are very powerful books, but they not scholarly. They were written for people who are in crisis, and they are as if a friend is sitting next to you and telling you something helpful and speaking from his or her own experience.
The power behind the books is that they come from God. Her guides are the spiritual hierarchy and the past kings, queens and presidents who are returning to help bring world peace. The Crisis Series was written for people who are facing their end of life crisis, and starts with Archangel Michael coming to you to tell you that God never intended you to die, and that it is still possible to walk away from the crisis, just as many people have. The books are saving people from illnesses that are considered incurable by the medical community.
When you are in a crisis, your perspective has narrowed. You have relied one of seven power games that seem to help you get the like you want, but the games don't have the capacity to help you. They are compensatory games that are based on fears--fear of loss, death or failure. The games are based on misunderstandings where you believe you are coming from a sense of lack in your life. Each time you play the game, you are kicked further off course even while you think you are headed toward your destination where you get the life you want. At the ultimate conclusion of the games, you come to the understanding that you cannot get the life you want, and this is why people die.
The books in the catalog are arranged in such a way that they carry the reader out out of the crisis situation, step by step and stage by stage through the planning process from the point of the end of life crisis to the point where they are getting the life they want. The journey is called Walking the Rainbow.
Mankind is Walking the Rainbow, too, as we evolve toward world peace. Each of the government proposals for the plan for the international government has associated books found on one page of the catalog, which is based on the planning process. Its booklet series addresses the six principles, the trade book addresses the application of the principles, and three mini-books explain the steps of the planning process to carry the proposal forward in the planning process.
The first proposal is not actually the first page of the catalog. The Exit Strategy for Iraq brings together the United States and Iraq to end the global conflict, and it unravels the misunderstandings about where true power comes from. The preemptive strike was an act of revenge--a plot, not a plan-- and so the proposal's page of the catalog is the first page of the Productivity/Orange/Technology segment, which addresses having a plan, but whether it is a plot or a plan that benefits everyone. Technology can be used to benefit mankind or to tear mankind apart.
This information is particularly important now as the United States attempts to deal with Iran over its nuclear weapons program. Iran is very technology-oriented. Will Iran use its technology for peaceful purposes?
Taking one step even further back--to the back of the catalog--we find the Pass It On Series, which can be considered the end or the beginning of the catalog. The Crisis Series is a Pass It On series. Many people are facing their end of life crisis, and can use a visit from an angel, too, but there are several Pass it One booklets. Many people are concerned about what is occurring on the international level, like the efforts to deal with Iran.
"The Battles of Armageddon" explain what is occurring now on every level, when two people are squeezed, and one stands on the principles, and the other goes down into the power games. This Moment of Choice triggers a series of battles that are tearing apart the planet.
The plan for the international government has been opened to debate on the international level, but people must be squeezed to participate in the plan for world peace. Everyone must overcome their crisis and walk forward to create the life they want. Mankind cannot just start to create the international government and hope for the best, because at this point in time, the vast majority of the people still assume that what they are doing by playing the power games will help them get the life they want, including world leaders who are grabbing for power, which is addressed in the second book of the Power Series. "Grabbing for Power" was written by Alexander Hamilton, one of our nation's founding fathers, and he did not come into the American Revolution Movement until he was squeezed.
The books were pirated as part of the hostile takeover, by people who are weaving an illusion, and so many people are being squeezed now, and don't see how they can get their life. The books will overcome the illusion that people cannot get the life they want. The planning process must address the acts of revenge that are tearing apart the organization. The first step is to bring in the professional publishing team, and while getting a book published is generally a major step for an author, it is harder then the author is facing a character defamation campaign--an individual form of genocide.