Many people equate money and power, two ideas that should
never be equated, because if you lose your money, you lose your power. Equated
ideas get people into trouble, and so the United States is getting into
How many people are wondering how the tax reform changes
will affect them? The answer became much clearer to me when I saw the graph for
income inequality. People are hoping the tax reform will help to make
America great again, but when the wealth of a nation is concentrated at the
top, which has gone on much longer than the tax reform act, the money doesn’t
trickle down, the economy stagnates. Why? The power is consolidated there, too.
The power of every government is derived from the people,
but the focus is shifting to the power being derived from the money. Imagine
what occurs in dictatorial nations. The power is consolidated into one man, and
if he plays the power game of Lust—which is based on weaving an illusion that
leads to slavery—acts of terrorism occur, and then the nation becomes a failed
state. Yemen is on the brink of becoming a failed state.
Years ago, at our prayer circle, we were warned that the US
government will cut start cutting social programs. The solution to this
economic and political crisis we are facing as a nation and a planet is for the
people to shift our focus from money to sharing our talents and gifts with each
other. We are learning the principles of the cooperation of nature.
Think of it. What did people do before money existed?
Everyone still had food to eat, and it was free. There was barter and trade.
There were even societies where those who gave away all their wealth got the
most power—potlatches.
I am not saying money is not important. I am saying that our
economy is about to become stagnant, and the first principle to overcome that
is for people to start focusing on sharing our talents and gifts with each
I have many plans that will help everyone overcome this
crisis of equating ideas that should not be equated, starting with US Survival
Cards, which help people understand how to rise out of poverty, based on how
wealthy families from the past worked together to overcome an oppressive
economy and went on to create a dynasty.
On a parallel basis, the same thing will occur between
nations. The United States must rely on our niche, too, and that is not our
wealth, but our Constitution, and our unalienable rights. It set us apart from
other nations, and it drew people here from other nations that were more
oppressive. It is what made America Great.