Thursday, March 31, 2016

The illusion that must be unraveled

Before the international government can be created, we must address the fears that it will enslave people. The idea of a conspiracy international government taking over the planet has been around for many years. 

Our organization is dealing with a hostile takeover, and the plan for the international government and its projects have been corrupted, playing on everyone's fears. The conspirators have woven a web of deceit and many people have been backed into the corner. Lies have been told, and no one knows the truth. The truth does not overcome the lie. It just reaches the point where no one knows who to trust. 

Our organization consists of two main groups. We have investors and inventors. At this time, the organization is still in its potential state. Many people have chosen to participate with the conspiracy without be aware that they are.

The investors are wealthy people from California, who, because of the California Community Property Law, lost much of their financial support when their marriages broke up. That law was meant to protect families that are torn apart by divorce, but the plan has major problems with it, and must be purified. Many marriages have devolved into family genocides, and ripples of effects have gone out from them, leading to major social problems. The investors have been the first to be targeted by the conspiracy. The project ideas were pirated and sold to them. They didn't know that independent membership in the organization is a paid position, and that they would be offered the opportunity, based on their business experience, to sponsor an inventor to create one of our innovative projects. When it became apparent that they couldn't create the innovative project ideas that they bought--because the projects are dependent on the creation of the plan for world peace--they protested, and they based their protests on legal routes, which created a feud.

The inventors are average people who have never been able to function on a higher level. They inventors were targeted when they believed that they could take the ideas and run with them, and all they needed was the funding to get their projects started. They were introduced to the investors. The problem was that only enough information about each plan was introduced to open the idea to debate, not enough  to create the plan. With no viable projects, the ideas were put on the proverbial back burner. Ripples of power games followed, and the inventors were backed into the corner, also. No one has enough income to wage a legal battle.

When someone is backed into the corner, the solution is to do what is in everyone's best interest, which is to join the organization, but people are in the illusion, and holding onto something that can't help them get the life they want and pushing away what can. 

The plan for world peace is the overview concept, and only two people see the widest picture. Then the plan divides into segments. Now the idea has started to focus on the technology segment and the segment that opposes it on the planning circle--conflict resolution. Before we can create the plan for the international government, mankind must address the unification of the planet and the perspective of the parts that make up the whole. 

The technology team is looking at the issue of where true power comes from. Does power come from money? Do our investors have more power than our inventors? Do the conspirators have more power? Can money and power be equated? If you lose your money, do you lose your power? Can power and brutality be equated? If you are arrested, how do you maintain your power?

The Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal sets up a protocol for ending this genocide, but its contingency is  that the United States amend our Constitution. This will take the inventors and investors working together as part of my organization rather than battling the conspirators. 

The conspiracy international government has no power. No one will vote for anything but what is in everyone's best interest. The darkness cannot overcome the light, but their efforts are to postpone the plan from coming about in the hopes that people will walk away from the fight, and at that point they win.

The solution is not to fight and to create a feud, but to debate the plan for the international government, and to join the framework to bring it about. All it takes is to let go of the power games and start to share one's talents and gifts. 

The difference between heaven and hell is that in heaven there is a solution to your problems.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The First Family must be the overview concept or there will be chaos

There has been a battle over the plan for the international government. The battle is between those who stand on the principles and those whose financial support or security has been threatened and they are grabbing for power. This morning I would like to explain what it takes to end the battles that are raging.

Our organization has 200 independent members, and each of the families is parallel to a nation. The same battles are occurring within the families, like a divorce that is turning hostile, but there are battles between families, also, and a character defamation campaign against the head of the organization by someone who believes she has been left out, but that is not the case.

What is occurring within our organization now is that marriages have occurred between two people who have different goals, and those who rely on others for their security and support are fearful and fighting for supremacy, playing the games of revenge. Five power games are being played, including two that rely on weaving a web of deceit, and no one knows the whole truth. Everyone is holding onto something that cannot help them get their life. Offers have been made for them to join the conspiracy to help perpetrate the hostile takeover of the organization. Many people are trapped in the illusion, because the truth does not overcome the lie. They are overcome by fear, and like in a battle, are routed and running the wrong direction.

Participation in the organization offers the families the opportunity to become a dynastic family. Before the family can build its wealth, it must find its niche, what it does better than anyone else. The overview person--who we call the Pure Ray of the family--is the person who has the capacity to bring the family together and to enable everyone to function on a higher level. If the person who grabs for power is made the head of the family, he does not have the capacity to bring the family together.

At this time, Donald Trump is running for president, and he is triggering fears within the Republican Party because many people believe he does not represent the overview concept of the Republican Party. Is he the one who can represent all the Republicans? Is he the one who can represent the overview concept of the United States? He is not the Pure Ray of the Republican Party, nor the there is a battle going on within the party, and will be within the nation.

People support Donald Trump because he knows how to create wealth. They equate money and power. What we want as a nation is for everyone to function from his or her own capacity, but many people do not understand what their capacity is. It is a power game to get people to rely on you for their security or support. It un-empowers people.  It draws in people who equate power and brutality. This is how dictatorships form.

Our organization will have a first family, two Pure Ray individuals with a common goal--world peace. They bring in others who are functioning from their own capacity, but also demonstrate how to do so, so no one is left out. No one can be left out for world peace to come.  It is a matter of choice whether to participate, and a matter of letting go of the power games, because the games no longer work. The first man now has the potential but no drive, and the first woman now has the drive but no potential. They have not yet met, and they have been kept apart by those who are grabbing for power.

What you believe is what places you where you are, and your fears determine which direction you are headed. With the right woman, a man with little potential can rise, but with the wrong woman, a man with great potential can fall. They must have the same goals or they will eventually separate.

The "first man" has wealth and potential but no drive, so he is surrounded by women who are attempting to control the creation of the organization. They would like to see him fall. He seems to have the power to introduce the plan for the international government, but it is not his organization. He is battling the woman and her allies who are perpetrating the hostile takeover of the organization. Amongst her allies are members of his own family.

The "first woman" is very poor, so she seems to have no power. She is demonstrating to the other women the principles of how to become an entrepreneur, rising from the level of extreme poverty, based on the insights in her books. She is a channel--a prophet--functioning from her own capacity rather than relying on a man, or someone outside the family who functions for his or her own interests. She is the head and founder of the organization, but no one will come into the organization until the first man and the first woman come together, and she is enduring a character defamation campaign so even those who would be happy to join the organization are afraid to do so.

For conflict resolution, the first requirement is that everyone must be considered equal. The power grabs must have led to the loss of power, backlashed on the player of the games. Those who are victimized by the games must be rising in power because they are assuming responsibility to undo the damage that has been done. In the case of the character defamation campaign, someone must stand up to defend the person who is being defamed--the first woman-- and the only one who will do that is the man who has the same goal.

The plan for the international government has been introduced, and then it comes to the application of the plan. On the opposite side of the planning circle from the plan is conflict resolution. The organization's first family are parallel to the conflict between Iraq and the United States-- the first two proposals.

Our organization is introducing a plan to unify the world's seven major religions, called The Faith of the Pure Ray. The calendar segment that must be addressed first, opposite to the plan, is the principles of Hinduism, and the story of the Ramayana--the battle between Rama and Ravanna over Sita.

This battle is between two brothers who are fighting for supremacy within the family. One brother is jealous of another who has made better life choices, and would rather get revenge than to assume responsibility for his own family.

This Faith of the Pure Ray unification process is the first step in the second row of the World Peace Marketing Strategy, which is the row that those who have been financially affected by the battles will work through. Everyone on the planet is welcome to choose whichever row he or she wants. This row is great for men who demonstrate little or no potential, and who have no woman in their life to help them to build their dynasty--the Ravannas of the world.

Eventually, the overview woman will be responsible for the first row of the World Peace Marketing Strategy, and the overview man will handle the second row. We are demonstrating where true power comes from.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

People must be squeezed to participate

The introduction of the plan for the international government has progressed through a huge circle, based on whose voice people will regard.

The plan for the international government was first introduced to a small group of people at the prayer circle that founder, Karen Holmes, started in the early 1990s. In May of 1999, Holmes and her guide, Seth, channeled a book, "A Manual for Peace." Each night they channeled a chapter and Holmes took the chapters to the prayer circle and passed them around. People liked the book, and were amazed that Seth, who had originally worked with Jane Roberts and is a famous spiritual guide, would write a new series of books through Karen Holmes.

The prayer circle started to transition from praying for people in crisis, to how to create the life you want. The classic spiritual books are about the fact that you create your own reality, but the focus is shifting to how to do so. Three of the people from the circle chose projects associated with the plan for world peace, plans that came from their heart, and each of the people with ideas tried to create their plans, but the projects were too big. One left the group and tried to work on it alone.

Holmes sent out newsletters to family and friends, introducing the general idea of the plan for world peace, but no one listened. The idea was too large. The response was "let the United Nations handle world peace." "What can one person do?"

Holmes started a website to get the message out to the entire planet. Then, at the start of the Iraq War, the government proposals were channeled, and were faxed to their governments, but no one listened. Holmes started "World Peace" newsletter and put the affiliate membership form on the website and asked for people who liked the plan to become affiliate members of the organization. The number of affiliate member nations was noted in the newsletter, and this got the attention of the ambassadors in Washington DC.

Interest in the diplomatic community allowed the plan to be leveraged into the world leaders, and they leveraged the idea into the Whitehouse.

While this was going on, the potential members of the organization were approached by people who are attempting to do a hostile takeover of the organization. The hostile takeover is in the form of a character defamation campaign--an individual form of genocide. The conspirators have woven a web o deceit. Many people were approached by the conspirators and told they are legitimate members of the organization. Who is taking over whose organization? The idea has been flip-flopped.

The conspirators seem to have more power and capacity, and so many people turned in that direction, so the questions are, where does true power come from, and how do genocides function?

The conspirators actually don't have the capacity to follow through on the plan because every aspect of our innovative projects are based on one's talents and gifts. The books and government proposals are channeled messages, and the organization's spiritual guides will not work with anyone but the person whose project it is.

If someone steals the plan, they don't understand the plan, and if they steal the principles, they don't understand the principles.

Just enough information about any project has been introduced to open it to debate. It takes the full 200 independent members to bring about each of the projects. As the ideas were put online, the conspirators have taken them and run with them, perpetrating covert and overt acts. Many people have been backed into the proverbial corner and see no way out. Joining the organization is the solution to the crisis, allowing the person to function on a higher level.

There is a form of mental illness that is pervasive in the organization. When someone is offered a chance to get their life on a far higher level, but it is based on a sense of illusion--such as getting the offer from the conspirators-- it results in a type of bipolar crisis, where they are getting their lives but they know they are fakes, and the two sides can't be reconciled.

The test that the potential independent members are facing now is who to trust.

Our independent members, once everyone overcomes their end of life crisis, will be advisors to governments, and we can't be bribable. To protect our reputations, we must already be getting the life we want so that even a bribe of billions of dollars holds no enticement.

The governments are watching now, and the conspirators have proven they cannot create the international government, so now it comes to the point where the potential independent members are being squeezed to participate.

Each is holding onto something that is dragging them into the abyss. They were offered something that they thought would help them get the life they want, and they are 180 degrees from where they think they are. They are at the point of the Brick Wall, like being lost and headed the wrong way on a road. To reach their destination, they must turn around. What they want is behind them.

Rather than to rely on people who seem to have all the power and capacity, our independent members must take back their lives and demonstrate their own capacity by sharing their talents and gifts with others in a series of win-win agreements.

The United Nations had to prove it doesn't have the capacity to bring world peace. The governments had to be looking for an alternative plan. The other options, like NATO and the EU had to prove they are not viable options. We have had to demonstrate within our organization that those who deny their own capacity and perpetrate hostile takeovers actually are grabbing for power, and that opening an idea to debate to allow everyone to participate in the creation of the plan is a far higher form of functioning. We are average people placed into remarkable circumstances.

We had to go full circle and be squeezed to let go of what never had the capacity to help us get the life we want to participate in the plan for the international government.

There is no need to change anything if what exists is working. People must be squeezed to let go of the old and to come into the new. We have had to let go of the games of revenge, and instead function based on the principles of the cooperation of nature.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cuba is Not Ready To Come In, Nor is the US

President Obama's historic visit to Cuba won't lead to the outcome so many people are hoping for. While he and Raul Castro may shake hands, it is not yet time for Cuba to come into the plan for the international government.

Our plan offers proposals to eight nations each year, progressing from the most general to the specific. The first eight nations all fell into crisis from a sense of judgment. The first proposal is a not actually a national proposal. The Exit Strategy for Iraq is a U.S. economic stimulus plan that plugs the drain on the economy, and allows the United States to gracefully withdraw from the conflict in the Middle East. Until that conflict is resolved, none of the other nations will be ready to come into the framework that establishes the international government. 

The Exit Strategy for Iraq allows the creation of an international court system so that disputes between nations will be resolved in court rather than the battlefield. At this time, China and the United States are launching aircraft carriers, and the South China Sea is becoming unstable. China is building military bases around the world. This is not a peaceful time.

While the plan for the international government is being debated, and many people like the idea, it is a far different concept to commit to the changes necessary to bring it about. The United States must amend our Constitution to create the additional layer of government over what already exists, and that process can take up to seven years. Before the states will agree to it, our organization must demonstrate that the plan can solve problems in every level. We must go state by state and earn the trust of the state legislators.

Right now, no one on the international level is ready to make the commitment. The plan must come from the people when the people are ready to bring it about, but there is a schism that has formed within the governments and between the people and the governments. Cuba is divided, too. Every nation is divided, and facing the ripples of effects that have gone out from the Iraq Genocide.

Our organization is parallel to the proposed international government, and each of the 200 families is parallel to a nation. The family that is parallel to Cuba--Fidel and Raul Castro--are profoundly mentally ill. They made their ascension by understanding that they could get their life, but it was based on the sense of illusion.

Karen Holmes has started channeling a new book with John Kennedy, called "The Game." We have received prophecies that another Cuban Missile Crisis is coming. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Holding the Light

Today, let's look at the wider picture so we can understand where we are along the journey to create the international government.

Mankind exists within the third dimension, which is based on a sense of illusion.  Everyone is born with a blueprint in our hearts for our ideal life, and every choice we make is meant to get us closer to our goal, but misunderstandings occur and kick us off course. We rely on compensatory games to help us rather than standing on the principles of creativity--the principles of the cooperation of nature.

All nature functions based on the principles of the cooperation of nature, but as the religions teach, the one thing God, the Creator of us all, didn't create was our will. This is a free-will Universe. We are taught the principles by the prophets, but may not always follow the teachings. When we break the spiritual laws, there is a backlash, and because power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage, we must undo the damage we have done to regain our power.

There are seven compensatory games that people play, known as the Seven Deadly Sins, and they are considered deadly because at their ultimate conclusion, someone dies. Jesus of Nazareth overcome death by teaching about the Seven Deadly Sins. The games lead to wars, genocides, massacres, slavery, and terrorism on the national level, and the end of life crisis on the individual level. 

Everyone plays the games. People are not bad, the games are bad. They are oppressive to the people.

The games reach their ultimate conclusion when played on an innocent person. Until then, the games seem to work, because there is a time element for the backlashes to occur, but there is always a backlash to the games. Grabs for power always lead to the loss of power.

The issue of no WMD found in Iraq means that Saddam Hussein was innocent of the charges against him, and the preemptive strike backlashed on President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair. It devolved as a character defamation campaign, an individual form of genocide, but because it was between world leaders, it drew in the entire planet. It collapsed the U.S. power base, and triggered the other world leaders to jockey for power to see who will be the next superpower.

Those who are jockeying for power are playing the games they played to reach their own level of power within their nations and on the international level. 

The Seven Deadly Sins are based on three fears--loss, death and failure. As the games collapse, many people fear they cannot get the life they want, and the fear is spreading across the planet.

Most of the people are still oblivious to what is going on, and are continuing on. Many people see the collapse of the old structure and don't know what to do about it, because the games no longer work.

Something must take the place of the old structure, so the people in power who are aware of the crisis are looking for a new plan. Which will it be?

The United Nations has many wonderful programs, but according to Secretary General Kofi Annan, "George Bush made the United Nations irrelevant." It has proven it cannot end or prevent wars. Relying on it places mankind on the slippery slope. The European Union has had difficulties assimilating Turkey and dealing with issues within Europe, like economic crises in several nations. At this time, the United Kingdom is facing the Bexit vote to withdraw from the E.U. 

There is no need to withdraw from them, why not continue on and everyone work together to create the international government and allow the failing structures to fade away when no longer necessary?

The plan for the international government solves the problems that the existing structure cannot, and so we are working to demonstrate the potential of the plan until people are willing to work together to bring it about. We introduced the plan, but at first too many people were holding onto the existing structure to see the potential of the plan. People must be squeezed to participate or why else let go of it? 

Our first issue that we are dealing with is the squeezing action, and overcoming the fears associated with letting go of the old structure. This is manifesting as a series of curses or pandemics that are based on the Seven Deadly Sins. 

The first step in our Track Our Progress planning is to bring together the professional publishing team to handle the publishing and distribution of the channeled messages that were given to the original prayer circle and the books that cover the Creative process on how to overcome any crisis and to walk forward to create the life you want. Karen Holmes, a channel--a prophet--is working to demonstrate the potential of the books to help her overcome the crises in her own life, and proving the teachings are valid. 

Hundreds of people now see the potential of the books, but are facing conflicts based on the character defamation campaign against her, so this had led to a schism between those who are the victims of the power games, and those who are grabbing for power. 

When anyone offers a plan, there is always a counterpoint concept that must be addressed first, and that is conflict resolution. The people who were named as part of the technology team are addressing conflict resolution. Technology can be used as a tool or a weapon. 

This leads us to our Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal, and the Track Our Progress planning. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Preliminary steps for Oxford and Stonehenge

The planning for the Exit Strategy for Iraq starts with bringing in the people within the organization who are necessary to carry the project forward, and every proposal will do the same. At this time, many people are aware of the plan, but don't know where they fit. The lies have gone out, and among them are offers to people to get their life on a higher level by joining the conspiracy against the organization when the original offer was from the organization. This flip flop obfuscation has backed many people into the proverbial corner, and has triggered a form of mental illness based on making one's ascension.

Our organization will offer classes on mental health as part of the second row of the World Peace Marketing Strategy, but they will be offered after all the independent members attend our Full Training Session, nine months after the entire group come together to become independent members. Overcoming mental illness must be done by demonstration by the family members who have been torn apart by the conflict within the family.

The offer to host the "two brothers genocide" within our organization was meant to bring in the next family, whose pure ray (person whose perspective and plan allows everyone to function on a higher level) is ready, willing and able to assume responsibility for the U.S. Constitutional Amendment proposal, and to bring in those that will assist in the plan, he will trigger the U.S. Survival Cards marketing concept. It allows his family to become a dynastic family.

On the international level, this family is parallel to the United States, but they are also citizens of California, and that state is a smaller microcosm yet of the international level, because so many different cultures live there. California, if it was a nation, would have the world's third or fourth largest GDP of the nations, and because of its California Community Property Law, the sociological crises include family genocides.

Before the two brothers will come to Oregon for the Oxford and Stonehenge event, they must deal with their family genocides. The Battles of Armageddon are raging within their families, too, between husband and wife. One is standing on the principles and the other is falling deeper into the games. Women wage war when their security or support is threatened, so taking their dispute to Oregon is a matter of choice, which wise counselor will the "king" listen to? His military advisor or his wife or the principal of the organization who offers the two brothers the opportunity to become a dynastic family, and the opportunity to help to purify the U.S. legal system.

President Obama is in the same crisis. Will he listen to his military advisors about Iraq, a person whose security and support is threatened (not naming any names), or our organization with the Exit Strategy for Iraq.

The preliminary step is for the professional publishing team to come into the organization to assume responsibility for our trade books. At this time, the effects of the genocide have torn apart many people, and we are in crisis. The books are "channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis." They have been pirated by the conspiracy group, and so this offers people the same flip flop opportunity that trapped them into the abyss with no way out. The publishing team must make their choices, too, but it is the intent of the team that decides the final outcome as to whether the team will work with the legitimate authors of the book, the pirates as part of the conspiracy and acts of revenge, or to walk away from the offers completely.

The conflict will end when everyone is able to get their financial support.

The proposals will progress in stair-step fashion, with the professional publishing team triggering the second family to come in, and that allows the second step of the first proposal to come about. The professional publishing team triggers the crisis center in Brookings, Oregon, which enables the Oxford and Stonehenge event between the two brothers to come about.

Both must be willing to deal with the conflict within their own family first. The first published material is our Conflict Resolution brochures, which can be found on our website.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

John Adams and the Boston Massacre

They say history repeats itself. The creation of the international government is a repeat of the American Revolution Movement.

Our organization brings together a soul group of people who are aspects of the Founding Fathers of the American Revolution, which means we watched the events unfolding during that time, and stepped into the same roles in the present time. The historical events of the 1770s can be a roadmap for us to follow and to understand just what lies ahead for us, although the events won't be replayed exactly in the same way.

No one is ready to write a constitution. We have a long way to go to that point. Where we are now is that one individual is standing up to defend people who were treated badly--only doing their jobs-- and charged with crimes for attempting to defend themselves. We are replaying the Boston Massacre and John Adams defending the British soldiers in court.

One person is now standing up to defend Saddam Hussein, and the Iraqis right to defend their nation from U.S. occupation--or was it liberation?

Occupation takes, and liberation gives. 

What this does is to enable the people of the United States to understand the schism that has formed within the United States between those who feel the Iraq War was justified or not. Before the United States can step away from the conflict in the Middle East, we must address this issue.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Taking another look at the global conflict

Imagine that we have gone back in time 5,000 years, we are in what is now England, and a battle has been waged between two kings. One king stood on the principles, and the other went down into the games. The games are oppressive, and the conflict has affected some of the people financially, and others, their lives were affected. Others were not affected so much, but in England, before the time of King Arthur, there were many small kingdoms, so other kings would have watched the conflict closely, each for his own reasons. One of them most likely considered the conflict a grand opportunity to wage a hostile takeover of both kings.

If the two kings were advised to end the conflict so as not to decimate their warriors, they took the conflict to Stonehenge, but that would not be in the best interests of the king who is taking advantage of the conflict. He would use a delaying tactic, to harass and intimidate, use covert and overt actions on the population until one or both give up. He could not beat either or both in an all-out war, but time is on his side. The more mayhem he perpetrates, the more likely he will win. He starts out as an ally of the second king, but as the act of revenge continues to draw in more people, the ripples of effects go out until everyone is fighting for their life.

If the king who stands on the principles stands on all seven of them--equality, liberty, freedom, compassion, abundance, capacity and tolerance, his is unbeatable. He would be like King Richard coming back from the Crusades and the reign of King John coming to an abrupt end.

If he doesn't stand on all seven principles, the conflict will devolve into a feud, and that is much more difficult to end. It draws in future generation, and in fact, there is the possibility that history is repeating itself and we are once again facing the conflict that vandalized Stonehenge.

If that is the case, we are now taking Stonehenge to the next stage in its evolution.

Most of us like to think of ourselves of standing on the principles, but leaping back to the present times, the king who stood on the principles was Saddam Hussein, and the king who went down into the power games was George W. Bush. The third king is the man who is behind the caliphate. Saddam Hussein did not stand on the seven principles, and so he was defeated, but now the US is fighting the third king, and the ripples of effects continue to go out.

The knee jerk reaction that ends a war makes a genocide worse. The conflict has not ended with the withdrawal of US soldiers. The death of Saddam Hussein made ending the conflict that much harder to achieve.

Our organization promised to offer solutions to even the worst case global scenario, and that is a global genocide, and to demonstrate it works within our own organization based on our proposals. Just as Saddam Hussein was defamed and suffered a hostile takeover, the same thing is occurring within our organization.

The technology team is addressing where true power comes from, and how acts of revenge work and don't work. They are learning the principles and the application of the principles, and must address conflict resolution before they can create their projects.

This is where Iran comes into the global picture. The Iranians stood and watched the conflict between the United States and Iraq devolve. Before the war, Saddam Hussein sent his nuclear scientists to Iraq with the hope that his gesture would be re-payed with support from them during the conflict. Instead, Iran joined the acts of revenge against Saddam Hussein, along with Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and other nations, and a dialogue began about sharing the opportunity for a nuclear energy program. The Iranians did not trust Saddam Hussein's relationship with the Palestinians. The acts of revenge started to collapse when it became apparent that one man had greater ambitions. The power games associated with war, massacres and terrorism have reached their ultimate conclusion. The reached the exact opposite effect that was hoped for, and it started to swing the proverbial pendulum back to the midpoint, but the games associated with genocide and slavery continue on in the form of ISIS. Muslims have spread out across the planet and sleeper cells can rise at any time.  The illusion continues to spread until no one knows who to trust.

To end the Iraq Genocide, someone must stand up to defend Saddam Hussein. The United States perpetrated the genocide by preemptively striking Iraq, and because it went against Universal Law, and international law, the United States is responsible for ending it. By taking the Iraqis sovereignty and inalienable rights away from them, under Universal Law, we must now guarantee their rights or lose our own.

Our first proposal ends the conflict in Iraq by recreating an event at Stonehenge on conflict resolution, and unification at Oxford between George W. Bush and one of Saddam Hussein's lieutenants. Then we will ask Saudi Arabia to host a week long mediation, then we will work to set up an international court to settle the conflict based on Universal Law, which leads to the creation of an international court system as part of the international government.

Our second proposal is a U.S. Constitutional Amendment proposal that creates the additional layer of government over what exists now.

Our organization is in crisis from the character defamation campaign, and the first step to end it was to call for a genocide watch--called Track Our Progress. The technology team has been offered the opportunity to function on a far higher level by participating in the events at Oxford and Stonehenge, but to do so, they cannot play any power games.

Karen Holmes, the founder of the organization, is parallel to Saddam Hussein, and dealing with the hostile takeover, but the organization stands on all seven principles, so the battles have drawn in those who are being dragged into the illusion.

One segment of the second family to come into the organization was offered the opportunity to function on a higher level if they harass her, and so now the focus is on that family, where one brother stood on the principles, and the other brothers have gone down into the power games. The Battles of Armageddon are raging in that family, too.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Negotiating with the White Witch

The Narnia Series by C.S. Lewis is an allegory of these times, and it helps to solves the problems we are facing. Behind every story--every crisis--there is a White Witch, and on the international level, this is the person who is behind the rise of the caliphate.

White witches are sociopaths, so we are unraveling the world view of sociopathy, the belief that there is no cure for this form of mental illness. Our organization will offer classes in the future for families of sociopaths and psychopaths, but for now our focus is on stopping the mayhem they are causing.

Revenge brings together people who play five power games. White witches play the power game of Lust, which, like the game of Envy which leads to genocide, is based on weaving an illusion. People who play the game of Greed bring in White Witches.

Revenge doesn't work because no one has the same goal, and everyone eventually undermines each other. The problem is that when they don't reach their goal, the two people who weave an illusion come to the understanding that their capacity is in weaving an illusion, and this is where the real mayhem begins.

Power games are grabs for power, and there is always a backlash to the games. As their power is collapsing, the power base of those who stand on the principles must be rising. For conflict resolution the first requirement is that everyone be considered equal.

Our organization has a white witch, too, who is creating mayhem. You are unbeatable if your plan stands on the seven principles of Equality, Liberty, Freedom, Compassion, Abundance, Capacity and Tolerance. Our power base is the seven principles. We believe power comes not from brutality or conniving plots to enslave people, but from assuming responsibility to undo the damage that has been done. If a sociopath steals the plan, she doesn't understand the plan, and then she will steal the principles, and doesn't understand the principles.

Our organization is based on the principles of Universal Law, and if we leave anyone out of the framework based on the principles of the cooperation of nature, we leave ourselves out. The solution is the World Peace Marketing Strategy, which enables everyone to participate, but it separates the entire planet into four segments based on how a movement forms. The first row is for those who stand on the principles. The second for those who were affected financially. The third row is for those whose lives were affected, and the final row is for those who normally would not be affected, and were drawn into the conflict. The white witch fits into the fourth row. Actually, the fourth row is for the light-bearers, who teach the principles to the general population. White witches would rather pretend to be light-bearers than general population, so they spread the darkness rather than the light, and this is the illusion they weave.

The solution is a form of negotiation, but not from people who are trapped within their illusion. In the story, Aslan offers a plan for defense, but it is up to him to stop the White Witch. If you accept anything from the White Witch--Queen Jadis was female in the Narnia Series, so let's call the White Witch a she--she owns you.

Our organization is offering eight proposals each year to nations that share a common crisis. Our first year's nations all fell into crisis from a sense of judgment. Everyone wants to be part of the plan for the international government, so as the focus shifts to the proposals, on the parallel level, the focus shifts from an organization level to the family level. It is hard to weave an illusion within your own family. Families must address the conflict within their own family.

During the time of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a census was called that required everyone to travel to their own towns. This was done to stop the mayhem being caused to overthrow the Roman occupation.  Our solution to this is our U.S. Survival cards, which enable families to become prosperous, and "create unity in diversity and leave no stone unturned."

The Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal starts with bringing in the professional publishing team, and the published materials that we will be offering  helps to overcome the effects of the mayhem, and stands on the principles of the organization. The next step is to start the process to create an international court system that takes disputes off the battlefield and into the court room, starting with an event at Oxford and Stonehenge.

We believe that Stonehenge was vandalized by a White Witch. The original conflict was between two men, where one stood on the principles and the other went down into the power games, including revenge. He drew in a White Witch, and together they killed the man who stood on the principles. The man who played the games was trapped by the White Witch, and took the conflict to Stonehenge. Those who played the game of Greed in the act of revenge understood that Stonehenge drew kings from all over the known world and the people were paid with gold, so they came for the gold.

To end the conflict between Iraq and the United States, the revenge must have collapsed, and George Bush and one of Saddam Hussein's lieutenants must face each other at Stonehenge, in mediation and in the court case.

The White White is not part of the resolution of the conflict in Iraq, but must be appeased in some way. That is the negotiation, which is based on the fact that the world leaders must be invited into the international government by their people. They must prove themselves first within their own nation by ending the conflict at home. Once they do, they are welcome to come to the conference of world leaders that we will host once our own nation has purified our legal system.

The planning for the creation of the international government can be found on our website.

Monday, March 7, 2016

No worries about the pirates

Seth told us not to worry about pirates stealing our intellectual property, because if they steal the plan, they don't understand the plan, and then they will steal the principles, but don't understands the principles, then they must come to us.

If the pirates don't stand on the principles, who does?

The plan for the international government has been opened to debate, and as of today, people in 83 nations like the plan for world peace. It can be considered the start of the World Peace Movement, and every movement starts when two people come to a Moment of Choice, and one stands on the principles and that choice affects the other financially, and he or she goes down into the power games. It triggers a series of battles, called the Battles of Armageddon.

Armageddon means the silly things people do, and it occurs within families all the time, to individuals as they reach the end of life crisis. It is the ultimate conclusion of the power games.

With every movement, the first people to come in are those who stand on the principles, and this describes 25% of the people.

Imagine, with the preemptive strike on Iraq, many people stood in protest. Within the United States, George Bush has an 80% approval rating, but that 5% over accounts for people who had other reasons for supporting it, like Senator John Kerry, who didn't supported the war, but he honored the veracity of the president.

Th next 25% of the people are affected financially by the choice, then the third 25% come in because their lives are affected, and finally, those who normally would not be involved, and the generally vote on the issue.

Our plan must leave no one out of its benefits to be accepted. We are working to guarantee the inalienable rights granted to us by the Creator of us all, and guaranteed to American citizens by our Constitution, to be able to create the life they want, to be treated fairly and equally, and to have a voice in their government. Then it is up to the people to how that is applied.

Power games are oppressive to the people, and deny us our inalienable rights. We don't condone power games, but are working to allow any structure based on power games to fade in history, and instate a new structure that functions on a higher level, one that guarantees our inalienable rights to every person on the planet.

Our plan must offer each segment of the population the opportunity to get what they want, but not based on power games or it will reinforce the games.

The solution is our World Peace Marketing Strategy, which allows people to decide for themselves into which segment of the population they fit, and offers everyone what they want without reinforcing the power games.

Our proposals fit along a continuum from the most general to the most specific issues, and as the proposals are introduced, eventually every person will stand on the principles based on their interests. They will come to the Moment of Choice, too, to go up, down or straight ahead.

The first step in the planning is to bring in the professional publishing team, and the choices have already gone out. The people who function for everyone's interests are progressing around the planning circle, and behind them are the people who see the potential of the plan to benefit them, and who stand on the principles.

Pirating intellectual property is a power game. You cannot demonstrate your capacity by pirating someone's plan.

The proposals are channeled, and Seth, the source of the information, won't work with anyone who doesn't stand on the principles of Universal Law. The books are "channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis," and each proposal includes a series of six booklets that explain the principles, a set of three minibooks that cover the planning steps, and a trade book that addresses the applications of the principles, and other published materials.

The first proposal is the Exit Strategy for Iraq, and it sets the stage for disputes to be resolved in court rather than the battlefield. We are addressing conflict resolution before everyone can work together to create the international government, but the Exit Strategy for Iraq is contingent on those who stand on the principles for the U.S. Constitutional Amendment proposal to do so.

The solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest, and because every project be be in everyone's best interest, the application of the solution is to do your project, and because our innovative projects are based on the application of one's talents and gifts, no one can do another's project, including the pirates.

A time comes when the pirates reach the ultimate conclusion of their games, and their actions become more and more ludicrous. Silly, in fact. The person who has assumed responsibility for the project must be rising in power while the pirates lose power. That brings us to where true power comes from, and that is being addressed by the technology team.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Trapped by the Lady of the Green Kirtle

The Narnia Series by C.S. Lewis starts "The Magician's Nephew," but also with "The Last Battle."  If you have not yet read them, they are great books to read to your children, or to study them as allegories for this time. The stories continue to spin off, and address the crises facing mankind and explain our progress in creating Heaven on Earth.

"The Silver Chair" is a story about the power game of Greed, and a hostile takeover bid by the Lady of the Green Kirtle, but there is always a white witch behind every story.  The White Witch is a sociopath who has said the deplorable word--genocide-- in a battle between her and her sister in "The Magician's Nephew," and has destroyed her own planet, she has made her way into Narnia, and is perpetrating a hostile takeover. She is not mentioned in the story, but she is behind every Lady of the Green Kirtle, who has killed the queen and taken control of the Prince, and keeps the dwarves in the dark.

The only one who can stop the White Witch--Queen Jadis--is Aslan, and the prophecy is that when four children--two Sons of Adam and two daughter of Eve--sit on the throne, the era of the White Witch will end, and peace will reign in Narnia.

This is occurring within our organization now, and must be addressed before we can advise governments.

On a parallel basis, there are seven--or more now--world leaders who are backed into a corner, and are controlled by someone who is perpetrating a hostile takeover within the nation, and a sociopath--who cares only about himself or herself is behind an overview plot to become emperor or empress of the planet. This is probably what is occurring in Syria, with the creation of the caliphate.

The only one to stop this hostile takeover of the planet is Seth, a seventh dimensional entity.

This sounds all very dramatic, but that isn't necessarily so. Seth won't appear on Earth in the form of a huge lion. Seth will appear in his books, along with the past kings, queens and presidents to help mankind bring world peace, starting with our first book, "A Manual for Peace." He is offering everyone on the planet the opportunity to be part of the global renaissance, and the Thousand Years of Peace that has been prophesied in the Bible.

The caliphate is also based on a prophecy, that Jesus and Mohammed will come together, and they will in the Faith of the Pure Ray, which brings together all the worlds major religions.

No one must be left out of the plan for world peace, including the sociopaths. In the future, we will offer classes to family members to help psychopaths and sociopaths overcome their mental illness. Once again, the solution must be done by demonstration, so their family members must work to create their own lives and then invite them in.

How this is done is that the plan for the international government is being debated by the world's leaders, but the people of the nation must invite them in. Within the United States, it is a constitutional amendment to create the additional layer of government over what already exists. That can take up to seven years, but the entire planet will start with the Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal, which sets the stage for the creation of an international court system, and the contingency is that the United States work together to amend our constitution.

Seven curses will tear apart the planet

There are seven power games that people play, called the Seven Deadly Sins. They are called Deadly, because someone always dies. They are Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust, Anger, Sloth and Gluttony.

Just like Moses and his prophecy that seven curses would come, the prayer circle was given the prophecy that seven curses would tear apart the planet as the result of Armageddon.

Armageddon means the silly things people do. People become more and more ludicrous as the ultimate conclusion of the power games they play. As one's perspective narrows, and people fall into the crisis, it takes someone from outside the crisis to see the wider picture, and to understand that the solution to the crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest.

The curses include tsunamis, premature aging, pancreatic cancer, and the deaths of children from unknown reasons--but not murder. This prophecy does not allow parents to kill their children with impunity. Each comes as the result of a power game, and is the backlash to the games. The unnamed others may include prion disease, which is associated with the power game of Envy, which leads to genocides.

Tsunamis are the result of passing crises on to future generations, by ignoring the crises. On a far smaller scale, if you don't repair a leaky faucet, you get a flood.

The deaths of children from unspecified causes comes from the power game of Lust, where women bind a man by getting pregnant. No one has the right to bind people, to trap another person.

Pancreatic cancer comes from lack of capacity and lack of compassion, and something comes into the person's life that makes him or her believe he can't get his life. People die when they believe they can't get their life.

Premature aging comes from the power game of Pride, of equating age with respect. The problem comes when you are so old, no one respects you anymore.

The solution to these crises is to do what is in everyone's best interest.

Acts of revenge bring together people who play five power games--Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust and Anger.

Our books explain how to recognize the power games in your life, how revenge works and why it doesn't, and where true power comes from. They say that equated ideas get you into trouble, and that you can't get your life on a higher level by playing the games, and that the games reach their ultimate conclusion when played on an innocent person.

The games seem to work to help us get the life we want, but there is always a backlash to the games. At first, it takes time to see the backlash, but at the ultimate conclusion of the games, the backlash is immediate.

An international example of the power games is a game the U.S. government has played-- regime change. That game reached its ultimate conclusion when George W. Bush preemptively attacked Iraq, which went against the intent of the UN Charter to prevent unprovoked attacks. The issue of no WMD is important because Saddam Hussein was complying with UN sanctions, which means it was an unlawful war, and Saddam Hussein was innocent of the charges against him. The conflict devolved not as a war, but a genocide, because it was not based on fact, but on a sense of judgment that he was evil, and ripples of effects went out from it to draw in every person on the planet in some way. It was a grab for power and the ultimate conclusion of the game was that the United States lost its power.

The solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest. It is in no one's best interest for one nation to have more power than another, and so the creation of the international government is the solution that benefits everyone.

Our Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal leads to the creation of an international court system based on Universal Law so that disputes between nations will be resolved in court rather than on the battlefield, and the monies now wasted on war will go to support the people instead.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

A line has two ends, but it is also a line.

The plan for the international government was first introduced in May of 1999 as "A Manual for Peace" was being channeled through Karen Holmes, whose spiritual name is Suzeranda Melchizedek. Her gift from the Creator of us all is to be able to communicate with anyone "on the other side." Her guides include the past kings, queens and presidents of history who are returning to help introduce the plan for world peace, and to undo the damage they did during their lifetimes. They are all authoring books and speaking from their own experience.

Seth, the spiritual entity who is the author of "A Manual for Peace," is working simultaneously with other channels, and introducing information appropriate to their capacity. The groups were not aware the others existed, although logically, Seth has been free to work with whomever he chooses. His goal is to bring every person on the planet into the framework that enables world peace to come.

Bringing the two sides together is Seth's responsibility, but there is a test associated with this. He gave Holmes enough information about the plan for the international government to open it to debate, but then left and won't return until two more channels are willing to work with her before he will offer additional information.  Bringing families in based on the introduction of the proposals, which allow families--and nations--to function on a higher level. The first step is that the two sides must come together and assume responsibility and take back the power from those who have gravitated to the other end of the line, around the sociopaths, who seem to have the power.

Holmes also channeled "The Armageddon Series," with Seth, and Jesus of Nazareth, who speaks from his own experience on the concept of betrayal. The series explains how a Moment of Choice comes between two people, and one stands on the principles and one relies on power games, and then a series of battles between the two sides occurs. When two people of power make their choices at a Moment of Choice, movements start. The organization believes that the Iraq War was such a Moment of Choice, and the entire planet is going through the Battle of Armageddon.

The spiritual hierarchy offers the World Peace Marketing Strategy to draw everyone in, based on how the Moment of Choice affected them.  The Battles of Armageddon create a tug of war. The is a tug of war over the plan for the international government.

The schism has formed depending on one's definition of power. The sociopaths have connections in both groups, and are working to divide and conquer, playing the power games of genocide and slavery, which are both based on weaving an illusion. There is a mixing and matching occurring, because the sociopaths are oppressive to both sides. The ripples of the genocide are making people wonder which side they are on, and the illusion is crumbling, but the House of Cards is still creating mayhem.

The technology team is divided, stymied, learning about where true power comes from. Will you use technology to benefit mankind or use technology to create weapons to wage war?  The spiritual hierarchy channeled through Karen Holmes the "Power Series" to explain about how revenge works and why it doesn't work.

But, no one can do another's project, and only enough has been opened to debate, so as the Seth channels continue to walk forward around the planning circle, applying the information in their own lives, and demonstrating it works, and others have followed, and those who function for their own interests have gotten into line, too, and are watching it come about, still weaving their illusion that they have all the power, and attempting to divide and conquer. They are on the opposite side of the planning circle from the two Seth channels.

As it becomes apparent that the sociopaths don't have the capacity to succeed at creating the international government, the focus shifts to the battle over technology.

Seth told us not to worry about having a project pirated, because if they steal the plan, they don't understand the plan, and if they don't understand the plan, they will steal the principles, and then understand they don't understand the principles. Then they have to come to you.

As people walk around the planning circle, applying it in their own life and demonstrating the potential of the information to help them create the life they want, a time comes when they must ass their end of life crisis. Everyone plays the games, and the games all lead to someone's death, so people must pass the point of their end of life crisis by understanding that the solution to their crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest, which is their project.

Holmes has the legal right to publish her own books, but the professional publishing team is associated with the other Seth group. To take their publishing niches to the higher level, they must work with Karen Holmes to publish the new Seth material. It is the application that you create your own reality. We must stand on the principles of the cooperation of nature.

Friday, March 4, 2016

None of our potential independent members is ready to advise governments

According to our organization's Articles of Incorporation, the only advice we can offer governments is to do what is in everyone's best interest, because that is the solution to every dilemma--to every crisis. Our demonstrations are meant solve the problems within our own organization, and then the world leaders apply the solution on their level. We are a microcosm of the international level.

The organization's genocide is based on a hostile takeover, a character defamation campaign. The Grand Lie was told, and the ripples of effects have gone out. The woman who is parallel to Saddam Hussein has been driven out and no one will defend her, each for his or her own reasons.

The defamed woman is the founder of the organization, a channel--a prophet--and she introduced the plan for the international government starting with the book, "A Manual for Peace," which she channeled with Seth, a seventh dimensional entity, in the summer of 1999. It was first introduced, chapter by chapter, at her prayer circle. Everyone liked it and was very happy to see that the spiritual hierarchy was working with mankind to help bring world peace.

The prayer circle changed as everyone started to apply the teachings of how to participate in the plan for world peace. Everyone assumed responsibility for his or her own project, and took the ideas and ran with them. No one understood what it takes to create such an international project.

Each attempted to draw in others to work with them, and that is when the conflict started, because some people who were drawn in seemed willing to help and had the capacity to be helpful were also functioning for their own interests, and in the illusion everything is backwards, so those who seemed to have all the capacity actually may have had none, and those who have the capacity, because it is based on one's talents and gifts, were giving away their capacity to those who were functioning for their own interests.

The project ideas are prophesied to be very valuable, but they are fourth and fifth dimensional technologies. Mainstream businesses prize teamwork, but our employees must function based on how a heavenly business would function, with everyone having a common goal, and building on each other's efforts, sharing talents and gifts, every problem solved by everyone doing their job and doing what is in the interest of every person on the planet.

No one understands how to do that yet. Only two people on the planet see the potential of the plan for world peace, and then a line has started to form behind them, a continuum of frequency from those who think globally--actually universally--to those to think only of their own interests and function in no one's best interests--the sociopaths. Many people still think the sociopaths are the ones with all the power and capacity.

The Biblical concept of the allegorical Banquet Table is the fifth dimensional concept, where everyone has a place at the table, but no one has shown up for the feast except the dogs who are aware that crumbs will fall from the table, and are willing to fight for them as they fall to the floor.

Imagine that the Banquet Table has a tablecloth that is the color of a rainbow, with each of the colors representing a segment of world peace. Red is the color of creativity, innovation, coming up with a plan. Orange is technology, also a plan but the application of a plan, the blueprint of someone's idea for a project. Yellow represents business and economics. Green is dealing with the glitches as you work to create your project. Blue addresses security issues. Violet is tolerance and empowerment.  The plan for the international government has been placed on the table in the middle of the Red/Creativity section, and it allows others to spin off from that in the form of our fourth and fifth dimensional projects. We are solving problems by doing what is in everyone's best interest, and demonstrating to others how to do it.

The problem is that the first issue is to deal with the fact that there is a place for everyone at the Banquet Table, because no one can be left out of world peace, including the person who introduced the plan for the international government.

This is why the first step in our planning is to bring together the professional publishing team. They each had their reasons for leaving Karen Holmes out of the plan for the international government, but she is the solution to help them function on a higher level. By fighting over the crumbs that fall off the table, they stay firmly in the third dimensional thinking, where the rest of mankind is at this time.

The third dimension is called "The Illusion" because mankind relies on power games rather than the principles of the cooperation of nature to get what we want, and the ultimate conclusion of the games is that someone dies. We must overcome death to create Heaven on Earth, and unravel the illusion that makes us rely on the power games. That is also part of the planning process, the point where if you can't overcome security issues is when you hit your end of life crisis.

The books are "channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis," so Karen Holmes is working to create her niche--On The Rainbow Publishing.  At this time the books are only available to the independent members to enable them to function on a higher level, but soon, everyone on the planet will be able to purchase the books, and the books will be proven to work.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Ripples of effects of genocide continue to draw in people

Someone told me once that there are three kinds of obfuscation, and the ripples of illusion that have gone out from the Grand Lie are "flip flops" and "rocks next to the stream" and "spiraling down," and all are leading to chaos within the organization.

As we have reported to the IRS, we are dealing with a hostile takeover of the organization in the form of a character defamation, the same crisis that Saddam Hussein faced that lead to the global genocide that is expanding out. Our 200 independent members are parallel to the 200 nations of the world, and the organization itself is parallel to the proposed international government.

Our organization is separated into two parts, revolving around two individuals who are Seth channels. One part is in Oregon and the other in California. As the lies went out, the two individuals have been kept apart, and so imagine it is like what is occurring in Syria, with spies going between the two sides and triggering events to undermine both sides. Every nation will face this soon unless people start to work together to create the international government.

At this time, we can say the entire planet is facing a major crisis in the form of a hostile takeover that started with the Gulf War, and a global genocide that started with the Iraq War, and that all the nations are facing crisis and have been dragged into the illusion.

What makes the discernment more difficult is that the illusions that are being perpetrated are normal concepts for when the proverbial pendulum swings back, so it is as if the perpetrators of the illusion are caught in their own illusion.

Rather than to encourage copycat crimes by delineating the crimes that have been committed, let's say that every one of the potential independent members of the organization has been dragged into the abyss, including the perpetrators of the crimes, and everyone is facing a series of choices.

One of the crises is a form of mental illness that comes from making one's ascension. Mankind has evolved to the point where we are moving into the fourth dimension, and the line that separates the third from the fourth is the understanding that you can get the life you want. People have been offered the opportunity to get their life, which allows them to leap to the fourth dimension, but it is based on weaving an illusion, so they know they are fakes. It is a form of bipolar disease.

Another is Prion Disease.

The solution to the crisis is the application of our Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal, and to unravel the crisis one step at a time. The two individuals must come together.

To understand this better, I recommend you read the Narnia Series books by C.S. Lewis. They are allegory for this time period.