Thursday, March 30, 2017

Conflicts of Interests and Ethics Violations

The Trump family is being watched closely by the government ethics people for potential conflicts of interests between their roles in the federal government and their business dealings. Donald Trump's election to the presidency as a businessman with no prior government experience brings up an a major issue that must be addressed, not out of a sense of judgment against him here, but because, under the plan for the international government, there will be many such potential conflicts of interests and ethics violations.

In the era of world peace, marriages will be based on lifepartnerships, where each will have a vocation and an avocation, and one's vocation is the other's avocation, and they will mentor each other. Lifepartnerships create a strong marriage bond, but it blurs the lines between nonprofits and businesses in existing IRS tax codes. The problem is that avocations are generally non-profit organizations that are meant to benefit everyone while vocations are family businesses meant to be their financial foundation, and the existing tax codes restrict nonprofits from personally benefiting anyone.

Our organization is experiencing a similar conflict of interest issue between our nonprofit organization and our publishing business. Karen Holmes is the director of the organization and the owner of the publishing business that will be responsible for printing all but the trade books for the organization's projects. This conflict of interest issue is being addressed as part of our first government proposal--An Exit Strategy for Iraq. Bringing in the professional publishing team solves the problem.

The team will be made up of six people who create a Flower of Life team, where much of the responsibility is delegated to them. Each has an existing business, so it makes a win-win agreement that allows everyone to function on a higher level. Holmes is a channel and is responsible for channeling books, and then she prints 200 amateur-quality copies of each book to sell to the independent members as the government proposals are opened to debate. Then she turns the manuscripts over to the professionals, and these are sold to the general public.

Income from the sales of the books is divided so that half the income goes to the nonprofit organization, 25% to reprints, and 25% to the authors. This is similar to how a farmer divides his or her crops--half is sold to benefit everyone, 25% is eaten by the farmer and his or her family, and 25% is kept to reseed the fields for the following year. All our businesses associated with the organization will function this way. The US government recognizes contributions to charitable organizations, and contributing 50% of our income to a nonprofit organization will allow us to decide where our tax dollars go.

Two people from the professional publishing team will also be part of the organization's twelve person financial board, and they will help to decide where the monies go in support of the organization's project. Holmes will have no real say in where the funds are distributed. Each independent member of our organization is the boss of our projects.