Much attention has been focused on the fact that our organization is working to end the global genocide that started when George W. Bush justified the preemptive strike on Iraq with his Grand Lie, that there were WMD and Saddam Hussein's intent was to use them against the United States. His justification made it seem like the United States was being victimized by Saddam Hussein, and therefore, the people of the United States had the right to protect ourselves from his tyranny. The problem with that is, the global genocide is only one part of the Illusion that has gone out from the central conflict in Iraq.
The Iraq War was an act of revenge, which includes five separate power games. Three of the power games reached their ultimate conclusion, and the proverbial pendulum started back to the midpoint. Those power games of war, massacres and terrorism no longer work, and when attempted, the player of the game faces an immediate backlash. Two of the games--genocide and slavery--are based on weaving an illusion, and for both of them, the pendulum is still swinging outward.
Slavery is also based on weaving an illusion, and comes from the belief that if you can take what is not rightfully yours, based on the game of Greed, then you own that person. The slave is backed into the corner and sees no way out. It is the power game of Lust, which comes from the fear of loss, and so the person who plays the game holds on tightly or pushes others away due to the fear of being hurt. The player of the game weaves an illusion to keep the victim close, or to torment the victim who expresses a sense of independence.
The slave has no where to go. African Americans, prior to the American Civil War, could not return home to Africa. They were allowed no possessions because they were possessions. Slavery shares characteristics with genocide and war--so they were dehumanized and put down utterly. Slaves in America were finally freed by President Abraham Lincoln in his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.
To stop slavery, the slave must have somewhere to go.
During the American Civil War, sympathetic people created an Underground Railroad that channeled runaway slaves to the North, where they were free but oftentimes still under existing laws that allowed bounty hunters to apprehend them and return them to their owners. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves in 1863, but his justification was not that it was the right thing to do. He did it because it would help to end the Civil War. If they were freed, they would fight for their freedom.
Lincoln had a difficult time convincing those around him to emancipate the slaves. He was not the first president to face resistance to ending slavery. Looking back even further, our honorable and respected Founding Fathers debated whether to abolish slavery in the 1780s, and not all were willing to take the leap. They guaranteed to every American citizen our inalienable rights to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness," but got around that by being creative with the definition of an American citizen. Slaves were only 2/3 of a person. It wasn't until the 1960s, with the American Civil Rights Movement, that all African Americans had any sense of Liberty and Equality.
With a global crisis, where can slaves go and be free to live their lives without interference? The solution is the international government. It will guarantee to every person on the planet our inalienable rights granted to us, not just by our Constitution, but our Creator.
The question is, how many years will it take to overcome the power game of slavery so that every person on the planet has his or her inalienable rights granted to each of us by our Creator?