This conflict is many years old now, and Saddam Hussein is dead, but the effects of the conflict have gone out to include every person on the planet in some way, and within the United States, there is still some support for war. The 2016 U.S. presidential election has been affected by the Iraq War as questions arise about whether a candidate supported the war. Was his or her choice a matter of faulty intelligence or a lack of understanding about the principles? Jeb Bush has had problems gaining support for his presidency because of questions surrounding his support his brother's foreign policy decisions.
For the conflict between the United States and Iraq to be resolved, everyone must first be considered equal, everyone must assume responsibility for their actions, everyone must come up with a plan that benefits everyone, and everyone must work together to create the plan. Support for the war is collapsing, and we are now almost ready for people to assume responsibility for their actions.
The illusion must be unraveled, and that involves bringing in the professional publishing team.
The only legal system that equally affects every person on the planet is Universal Law. At this time, every person on the planet has been exposed in some way to Universal Law of Cause and Effect--karma, or the Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you would have them to unto you."
The professional publishing team are all spiritual people whose livelihood or life depends on spiritual teachings based on Universal Law. As they got caught up into the illusion of the character defamation campaign against Karen Holmes, they are breaking Universal Law, and facing an optical illusion concept. They have been holding onto what can't help them get the life they want and pushing away what can. By continuing on with the character defamation campaign, they lose everything. By letting go of the power games, they can take their careers to a far higher level.
There is a countering concept to that, too. The conspiracy is creating a flip-flop concept so that if they let go of the games, they believe they will let go of their life. So, rather than address the conflict between George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein, we are taking one step back and addressing the "two brothers genocide." This conflict is within the next family to come into the organization.
Genocides end when one individual stands up to defend the person who is being defamed. Karen Holmes defended Saddam Hussein, speaking from her own experience. This addresses who will defend her. The person who defends her defends himself, his family and friends, and the entire planet. He is part of the professional publishing team.
They all know who Seth is. They may not wish to work with Karen Holmes, but the know who Seth is. By refusing to work with Karen Holmes--whose spiritual name is Suzeranda Melchizedek--they undermine their work with Seth.
Seth is a very famous seventh dimensional entity--a spiritual teacher--who worked with Jane Roberts, and together they sold over seven million books. Seth came to Karen Holmes's prayer circle and taught the group, along with a long list of others, including the male and female aspects of God, the Creator of us all. Seth and Holmes is the source of some of the books, and the organization's founding documents and the government proposals.
Many people may question Seth and his motives for the planet, but then it goes back to Universal Law.
This is where everyone is or will be shortly. The games don't work anymore. Mankind really doesn't understand the games. We play the games without understanding the ramifications of the games. Power grabs seem to work, but there is always a backlash to the games.
This sets the stage for the events at Oxford and Stonehenge, and enables the United States to start to address the Constitutional Amendment proposal.